Montessori Playroom Shelf Bins for 7 Years Old
Buy 17 playroom shelf bins for 7 years old online. Compare all brands with the best prices & reviews. offers a complete overview of all Montessori playroom shelf bins for 7 years old.
Age: 3 Years and Up
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Shelf bins encourage order and organization in children.
Children age 3 and up can use these shelf bin to organize their items.
Age: 3 Years and Up
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$68.99 $79.99
"The children love to do these things [practical life activities] for themselves and they learn to be careful and precise in their movements. This is both education of movement, because there is a refinement of muscular co-ordination when the work is carefully done, and education through movement, because these activities involve judgement and will, self-discipline, and an appreciation of orderliness. " Maria Montessori, Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents