Montessori Toys, Materials & Furniture

Kghios Montessori Globe World Parts


Age: 3-8 Years
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Montessori undefined

Montessori Globe World Parts teaching materials are suitable for babies over 3 years old.
Understand the composition of the earth's interior.
Understand the position of the earth's crust, mantle, and core.
The color continental plate globe, the blue part represents the ocean, the color part represents each continental plate, uses the concave-convex touch surface, and the land part is slightly higher than the ocean part. Water and continental plate globe, yellow (or white) color part represents a continent, blue part represents ocean, yellow (or white) surface part is frosted, feels more texture.
The design of lengthening branches can prevent the ball from falling because it rotates too fast.

MontiPlanet Product ID: 11184

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