Montessori Toys, Materials & Furniture

Montessori Balance Bikes

Balance bikes are a type of learner's bicycle that has no pedals but the rider has to push their feet along the ground. It is designed to help children learn to balance and steer.


Age: 18 Months-4.5 Years
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Age: 3-4 Years
$46.61 Shipping
$0.00 $231.88
Age: 18 Months and Up
Free shipping
Age: 3 Years and Up
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Age: 1 Year and Up
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$69.99 $80.99
Age: 18 Months and Up
$8.00 Shipping
Balance bikes improve children’s gross motor skills while playing outside. It boosts their confidence as well.
Age: 3-5 Years
$19.90 Shipping
Age: 1 Year and Up
$18.89 Shipping
Age: 1-3 Years
Free shipping
Age: 18 Months-5 Years
Free shipping
$0.00 $199.00
Age: 1 Year and Up
Free shipping
$69.99 $82.99
Age: 18 Months and Up
Free shipping
Children as young as 18 months old can use balance bikes as an exercise to improve their posture before having the pedals on the bike.
Age: 18 Months-5 Years
Free shipping
Age: 1-3 Years
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Age: 12 Months and Up
Free shipping
Age: 18 Months-5 Years
Free shipping
Age: ‎12 Months and Up
Free shipping
Age: 12 Months and Up
Free shipping
Maria Montessori image
"It is a mind endowed with special psychic powers, which we lose later, because whatever we adults want to acquire we have to acquire with effort and fatigue." Maria Montessori, The 1946 London Lectures
Age: 2-5 Years
Free shipping
Age: 12 Months and Up
Free shipping
Age: 2-5 Years
Free shipping
Age: 12 Months and Up
$6.99 Shipping
$100.48 $119.99
Age: 2-5 Years
Free shipping
Age: 9 Months-3 Years
Free shipping
Age: 3-5 Years
Free shipping
Age: 18 Months and Up
Free shipping
Age: 18 Months-3 Years
Free shipping
Age: 1-3 Years
Free shipping
Age: 12 Months and Up
Free shipping
Age: 18-30 Months
Free shipping

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