Montessori Addition Indoor Activities for 5 Years Old
See all 70 Montessori addition indoor activities for 5 years old. offers a complete overview of all activities with descriptions, benefits and age recommendations. Find all Montessori addition indoor activities for 5 years old.
Addition activities let children count using hands-on materials. This makes learning fun and engaging. It supports Montessori teaching, which helps children learn and think on their own.
Age: 3 Years and Up
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Age: 3 Years and Up
$6.82 Shipping
$6.82 Shipping
3-year-olds can start doing addition activities. They are usually ready to learn how to add numbers by then. Younger children may get the basic ideas from doing the activities.
"When numerical rods are given to children, we see that even the smallest take a lively interest in counting." Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child
Age: 3-6 Years
$32.00 Shipping
$32.00 Shipping
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